"No child should ever experience the feeling of terror, fear, and Let’s stay united in raising our children right, safe from any harm". - Childinsider.com
Introducing SAPSAC:
The South African Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (SAPSAC) is a multi-professional society established in March 1999 to provide professionals who are active in the field of abused children with a forum for structured and systematic exchange of information on the subject of child abuse. It is a non-political and non-governmental organisation registered as an NPO and it provides for membership from the following professions:
Legal Professions (Private and employed within the South African Judicial System)
Medical Professions (Medical Doctors and Nursing Professionals)
Social Work Professions
2022 in Numbers
Statement by UNICEF South Africa Deputy Representative, Muriel Mafico
Children Suffered Bodily Harm
Increase from
​The Aims and Objectives of SAPSAC are to:
promote high standards and principles to be applied in the field of child abuse;
promote accurate, effective and appropriate identification, intervention and treatment of abused children;
promote research, an examination of comparative literature and the exchange of information among professionals involved in the field of child abuse;
encourage and promote multi-disciplinary professional education on topics of relevance in the field of child abuse;
promote co-operation and co-ordination among the different professions involved in the field of child abuse and with relevant organisations both nationally and inter-nationally, in furtherance of the foregoing objectives;
serve as a arepresentational forum within which the needs and concerns of professionals of the various disciplines addressing the problem of child abuse can be articulated also at a national level;
issue the publication CARSA in furtherance of the foregoing objectives;
promote effectiveness and well-being of professionals working with abused children